Who is responsible for the Colony Ridge development in Texas also know as Terrenos Houston? Below are some of the names that have helped keep this operation running and their involvement.
John Harris
Although William Trey Harris, has been singled out because he is “the face of Colony Ridge”, many corporations (there are many) are registered under his brother, John Harris. Creating confusion, maybe?

John Harris Colony Ridge Owner
King’s Colony and John Harris: Before What You Currently Know as Colony Ridge (Terrenos Houston)
You think this started with Colony Ridge but goes back to King’s Colony. Years ago John Harris created a website complaining about their POA since he owned so many lots there. He claimed that Ira Crain was stealing their money. Here’s some history on King’s Colony.
Colony Ridge owned the most lots in King’s Colony and John Harris wanted to take over along with his cousin Robin Lane (more on him later). Ira Crain had to be out of the way in order to do this.

Colony Ridge – Ira Crain photo added by John Harris to kingscolonyowners.com
William Trey Harris proceeded to testify against Ira Crain in a separate case that was built against her. She ended up in jail for 7 years. Then passed away shortly after getting out while trying to get her name cleared up.
King’s Colony Lawsuit
Eventually John Harris was able to achieve his goal. He took over and raised the POA fees. Nothing changed for the better in this subdivision where conditions not far off from Terrenos Houston’s. He also got sued for misuse of funds.
Eventually John Harris was able to achieve his goal. He took over and raised the POA fees. Nothing changed for the better in this subdivision where conditions not far off from Terrenos Houston’s. He also got sued for misuse of funds.
King’s Colony must’ve taught John Harris a lesson. Is this why he stays in the background while William Trey Harris became the face of Colony Ridge? What lessons did they learn for their next project: Terrenos Houston. What you know as Colony Ridge.
William Trey Harris III
William Trey Harris aka “El Gringo” at the Terrenos Houston colonias. The face of Colony Ridge. The one who spoke with the press. But don’t lose track of John. He’s all over the paperwork. You might want to research Houston El Norte POA. Who’s in charge?

William Trey Harris III
Although their website is less transparent now since they no longer upload their minutes. Here’s a previous document. Recognize those names as directors?

John Harris, William Trey Harris, and Robin Lane appear in documents as leading the POA board in charge of Colony Ridge
Brent Lane aka FastLaneFarmer on Social Media
Brent Lane aka FastLaneFarmer on social media is the cousin and lawyer of William Trey and John Harris’ Colony Ridge.He is also Robin Lane’s brother. Does he threaten those against Colony Ridge? He served volunteers at Plum Grove a million dollar lawsuit after they hired investigative reporter Wayne Dolcefino.
As FastLaneFarmer, Brent Lane displays what seems like hobbies. Such as going on a private plane with John Harris. Burning up documents as a “privacy policy” and says he dislikes when the government wants to solve his problems instead of him.
As FastLaneFarmer, Brent Lane displays his hobbies. Like going on a private plane with John Harris. Burning up documents as a “privacy policy” and dislikes when the government wants to solve his problems instead of him. #ColonyRidge #BrentLane pic.twitter.com/VwSPM0UGvD
— Terrenos Houston Estafa (@EstafaHouston) September 21, 2023
Robin Lane

Robin Lane helps with Colony Ridge Foreclosures as Vast Land Enterprises
Brent Lane’s brother. Also John and Trey Harris’ cousin. In charge of Vast Land Enterprises. Which they use to foreclose on immigrants. And there are MANY foreclosures. Wayne Dolcefino reports that 97% of the foreclosures in the Liberty County come from Colony Ridge. Isn’t that suspicious?
Here are the names that are allowed to sign on Colony Ridge’s foreclosure documents:
Robin Lane, Lesley A. Lane, Jolie Lane, Miguel Carmona or Jesse Pacheco, Acting as Foreclosure Agent on behalf of T-Rex Management, Inc., as Manager of Colony Ridge Land, LLC (Mortgagee)

Vast Land Enterprises – Colony Ridge Foreclosures
Who loses money at Colony Ridge?
Robin Lane told investigative reporter Wayne Dolcefino, “We lose money when we foreclose on a property.” Lose money? People say that they have been falsely accused of not paying Colony Ridge and have been threatened with foreclosures if they don’t pay a lump sum. When foreclosed, lots are resold.
Leslie Lane

Leslie Lane was Caught by Investigative Reporter Wayne Dolcefino Skipping on a Foreclosure at Liberty County
Wife to Robin Lane. Known to hold foreclosures at Liberty County. Wayne Dolcefino caught her doing “fake foreclosures.” Meaning the foreclose never took place. Colony Ridge forecloses and resells land often.
Heath Marek
Heath Marek was a Plaintiff along with John Harris and William Trey Harris III, in a lawsuit against the former mayor of Plum Grove, Lee Ann Penton-Walker. Said to be one of the Harris’ partners. Also listed as the Vice President of Liberty Co. MMD No. 1.

Heath Marek was a Plaintiff along with John Harris and William Trey Harris III, in a lawsuit against the former mayor of Plum Grove

Heath Marek is listed as a Board Member of Liberty Co. MMD No. 1 along with William Trey Harris who serves as the President
Savannah Crihfield and Ryan Crihfield
Savannah Crihfield is William Trey Harris and John Harris’ niece. She manages the Property Owner’s Association (POA) at Colony Ridge through her and her husband Ryan Crihfield’s company, CH&P Management.

Savannah Crihfield and Ryan Crihfield from CHP Management and More
One of the services on CH&P Management’s website lists:
Property Management and Maintenance
- Negotiate contracts – with board approval
- Acquire three bids on all maintenance projects
- Monitor all projects by contract vendors, such as: landscaping and custodial services
- Respond to emergency situations
- Inspect common areas in subdivision and monitor restriction violations
Ryan Crihfield is listed as the President of Liberty County Munincipal Utility District No. 1 (MUD)
Savannah Crihfield was listed as a Secretary on the Liberty County Munincipal Management District No1 (MMD)

Savannah Crihfield Listed as Board Member of Liberty County MMD

Ryan Crihfield President of Liberty County Munincipal Utility District No. 1
Alberto Ramirez
Alberto Ramirez. Sales Supervisor for Colony Ridge. Said to be “close” to the Harris and Lanes. Background in marketing. Said to direct Terrenos Houston models into making immigrants believe they are buying paradise. Has been submitting “Public Relations” articles about himself for months. Why?

Alberto Ramirez is the Sales Supervisor for Colony Ridge’s Terrenos Houston
Also, why do Alberto Ramirez’s personal PR articles match Terrenos Houston’s PR articles as well? Is he in charge of that too? You’re finding out about Colony Ridge now but people have been warning against Terrenos Houston for years. (One of the names they use to advertise.)

Alberto Ramirez from Colony Ridge’s Terrenos Houston PR Campaign

Colony Ridge’s Terrenos Houston Attempt at a PR Campaign to Clean their Reputation
“Working at Terrenos Houston satisfies my passion for helping people. The company grows when we help others find a great place to live,” he responds, his passion clear, before adding, “Speaking for myself, I personally feel the intangible benefits that come from helping others deep within my soul. Working here not only inspires me, but motivates me to do better every single day.”