open letter to the attorney general of texas ken paxton

An Open Letter to Texas State Attorney General Ken Paxton

  Terrenos Houston Demanda   Attorney General Ken Paxton State of Texas PO Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548   18 October, 2021   Dear Attorney General Paxton,   As you may be aware, many people have reached out to you about the substandard living conditions and the UN-truth-in-advertising practices being put forth by Houston,…

terrenos houston complaints

Easy Payments to Terrenos Houston and Colony Ridge Equal Easy Losses for Families

You Have Been Warned: Easy Payments to Terrenos Houston and Colony Ridge Equal Easy Losses for Families Who Have Saved a Lifetime to Buy a Home in these Squalor-and-Crime-Ridden Developments Colony Ridge and Terrenos Houston want to help you get enrolled in an easy-payment program. Easy Come? Maybe. Easy Go? You can bank on it,…

where is john harris

What is "Where is John Harris?" About

We know that there is a lot of movement on social media with the message of "Where is John Harris?" ("Where's John Harris?"). We thank you for visiting our page and we want you to see why you are really here. We started this movement to fight against these companies led by the Harris, who have taken advantage of immigrants and who have cornered a community, once very quiet, Plum Grove.